Tunnel vision and alternate routes

The award of the Nobel Prize to Al Gore and the IPCC has brought much deserved—and long delayed—attention to the prospects of global warming and the influence of human-generated CO2 thereon. As has been said before here and in many other places, one of the major sources of CO2 is the burning of petroleum. Most of petroleum is burned in vehicles. Cars and airplanes for example. So, one might think that a rational approach to reducing the rate of CO2 production would be to:

  1. increase the fuel efficiency of vehicles by some combination of better engines, reduced weight and improved structural design;
  2. move to carbon-free fuels, provided that their production and use don’t have contervailing side effects;
  3. reduce the number of vehicles in use by encouraging or requiring them to always carry at least some high percentage of their potential passenger loads;
  4. reduce the need for vehicles by altering the requirements for transportation.

Here’s where the tunnel vision comes in. Continue reading Tunnel vision and alternate routes