A rose by any other name. . .

Today I had occasion to address a session of the 11th International Workshop of the International Telework Association on the topic of telework and business continuity (aka disaster preparedness). I used Skype so that I could communicate with the audience in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada while I sat in my office in California.

One of the questions after my talk was about what this subject should now be named since telework and telecommuting were allegedly sooo 20th century. My response was that I coined the terms telework and telecommuting in 1973 and have seen no reason to abandon them Continue reading A rose by any other name. . .

Hello again!

One of the side effects of the recent heat wave(s) was the silent crashing sound of our web site and accompanying blogs. The blogs up to this point appear to have vanished as well.

So, if you found some saveable profundities in the previous blogs I hope you saved them. Otherwise you may have to wait a long time to see them again unless I discover a recovery process soon.

Best wishes,

Jack Nilles

Later -> The problem has been fixed, we hope, and the lists are back to normal. If you still find one of the blogs missing, please let us know.